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About school of kung fu
Covid – 19 - Return to Class Protocol
We are making changes to reduce the risk of transmission within our facility – Martial Arts facilities face specific risks which require targeted objectives and subsequent actions in order to reduce the potential incidence of contamination, transmission and infection.

Limit the number of students in each class to reduce #
‘density risk’ of transmission


Strive to prevent infected people visiting the school




Eliminate the information gap: explain, train and
ingrain understanding of protocols

1 – Strive to prevent infected people visiting the school · Any students who are unwell or they or other members of their household who show any of the symptoms for Covid 19 should use the Anytime, Anywhere Training (online classes) and not attend classes in the school. Any students arriving at the school showing signs will not be allowed entrance into the training room. |
2 – Limit the number of students in each class to reduce ‘density risk’ of transmission · Classes are set to a maximum of 15 students · All students must pre-register to attend class, no unregistered arrivals will be permitted |
3 – New protocols for before, during and after classes · Student must arrive no earlier than 10 minutes before class · Student must arrive fully ready for their class, student will not be able to change into their uniform inside the school · Due to controls of the toilet and cleaning/sanitising protocols students should make sure they use the toilet before they leave · Students are to wait at the designate zone for their training room. · Only one parent/guardian should wait with the student prior to their class · Parents/Guardians must wait in the training rooms designated zone to collect students after class · Social distancing rules must be obeyed at all times · Masks MUST be worn if you need to enter the reception |
4 – Prevent people ‘carrying’ the infection into or around the school (e.g. on hands) · All students should us the hand/sanitisation at point of entry and exit · Hand sanitisers to be found in all training rooms and reception area · Catch it, Bin it, Kill it – All students, instructors, parents and guardians must use Catch it, Bin it, Kill it and to avoid touching face, eyes, nose or mouth with unclean hands. Tissues will be made available throughout the venue. Hand sanitiser must be used after. |
5 – Reduce the risk of viral transmission through the air · Safety zones for all students in training rooms · Government guidance on wearing masks for all instructors (student may wear masks and gloves if they wish). Student to bring their own PPE equipment but the school has a supply of gloves and masks if necessary. · Social distancing rules to be adhered to at all times · Only class students allowed in training room. Exceptions may be made under extreme circumstances. Designate an area of the training room where non students are permitted to wait. · 15-minute interval between classes to allow for students to enter/exit the training room to avoid close contact of students and allow for the training room to be cleaned. · Warm-ups will be ‘lighter’ to prevent heavy breathing |
6 – Reduce the risk of viral transmission from surfaces · Only contactless payments will be accepted · All forms to be completed electronically to avoid cross contamination. Payer must complete eDD process on their own or school device. Disinfectant wipes kept at reception to wipe down device after every use. · Plentiful access to hand sanitiser points · Training rooms and toilets cleaned after each class and daily cleaning protocols for thorough clean of all training rooms and reception area · Reception counter to be cleaned regularly throughout the day · No sharing of equipment. Student may only use their own equipment during class, focus mitts may only be shared by students of the same household and must partner each other for any drills · Toilets and surfaces (handles, taps etc) must be cleaned before they can be used by another person · Instructors must maintain highest levels of hygiene at all times. Wash hands (and face if possible) before and after every class. Wash clothes after every teaching day. |
7 – Be ready and able to react to any “incidents” · A complete and accurate student attendance kept by the school with contact detail for each student · All students must pre-register to attend class, no unregistered arrivals will be permitted · Every student must complete a disclaimer before entrance to the school for class · Be ready to close and deep clean should an instructor of staff test positive for Covid-19 · Consider moving back over 100% to the Anytime, Anywhere Training (Online Classes) should local risk levels be in the ‘red zone’. · Be ready to increase or reduce risk management measures in line with government guidelines |
8 – Eliminate the information gap: explain, train and engrain understanding of protocols · No contact training for all instructors · Instructors to be trained for all risk management activities · Students, parents, guardians to be kept updated with new protocols and procedures · Communicate clearly with members before attendance, on arrival and at all relevant points around the facility to guide actions and activities |
Safety of instructors and members is the primary objective of Schools of Kung Fu. There is no ‘silver bullet’ but a combined and consistently executed range of measures can dramatically reduce the risks faced from CV-19 to an acceptable level.
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